

Philip Alsup

The M.O. of F.O.M.O.

The Fear of Missing Out. It's that feeling we all get when we're pretty sure we're the oddĀ one out. That we're that one person who'sĀ not with it. That everyone else knows something we don't. That we're the odd duck. The... Continue Reading →

26 Simple Ed Apps!

One frustration teachers sometimes express about Educational Technology is feeling "overwhelmed by options" when they are working to incorporate Ed Tech in the classroom. One educator I know compared searching for Educational Apps to picking out cereal...there are just too... Continue Reading →

LIFEtime: values that make life worth living!

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." This is the mantra of optimist and organizational leadership author Simon Sinek. It's a pretty trite little motto, and although the message probably isn't unique, it is certainly... Continue Reading →

For a Limited Time Only

In its heyday, the Pontiac Silverdome was home to the Detroit Lions and even hosted the 1982 Super Bowl. Despite its decline in recent years, the Silverdome was apparently built Detroit tough, even "defying explosives" as the New York Times... Continue Reading →

The Biggest Small School in Town

There has never been a man, woman, or child who hasnā€™t wistfully imagined time travel. What day, month, and year would you type in the command prompt of a time machine? For many Christian educators, the selection would likely be... Continue Reading →

Knock It Off! Seven “old-school-isms” I decided to drop

What thoughts, faces, or personalities come to mind when you hear "Old-School"? For me, it's the science teacher who woke slumbering students with the crack of a yardstick; The quintessential ex-military gym teacher who wore both his socks and shorts... Continue Reading →

Big Data for Small Schools: Grade Inflation

Let's say your parents told you growing up that you were good enough at basketball to join the NBA. Would you believe them? If they fed you that line every day for the first 17 years of your life, you... Continue Reading →

It Is What It Is…But it Doesn’t Have to Be

I had a friend several years ago whose mantra was "It is what it is". He would say this when it became apparent that the circumstance wasn't going to change no matter what we did. A maintenance boondoggle..."It is what... Continue Reading →

I’ll Take Good Care of Your Son

February 8th is my birthday, so February 8th, 2013 sticks out in my mindĀ for several reasons. For one, I turned 34 that day. I don't remember what I got for my birthday, mainly because I, like most parents, stopped expecting... Continue Reading →

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