Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Christ-followers have an obligation to study and know God’s Word with intensity. When the Bible is the axiom of the believer’s life, he or she is able to establish a concrete starting point upon which a life can be built. The Word gives us a distinctly Christian way to think about everything…our existence, raising children, marriage, money, and even politics. Theology is not just another theory among others but reflects truths that have practical, real-world importance.

Interpreting God’s Word is also of vital importance, for compromise in one area will always lead to compromise in many others.  Understanding the difference between exegesis and eisegesis and recognizing the dangers of the latter helps the Christian develop values that are Bible-based not man-based.  A legacy worth leaving never makes an apology for a Christ-honoring theology.


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